lørdag den 31. december 2011

Last of 2011

Its the last day of the year, and I finaly finished a few minies.  My beloved dwarves are on their way to becomming a proper painted army. 4 down.... 200 ish to go.

First is my second entourage  for my witchhunter band.

Second is a couple of dwarfs. 2 of which was my painting goal set for this month on the Powerfist forum.

To my own surprise I mannaged to paint 2 more dwarves:

So, thats the end of 2011. I hope for an even more productive 2012 and I wish a happpy new year for everyone. Take care, cya on the other side :)

torsdag den 15. december 2011

Projekt Harry the Hammer

As some of you might know, Harry the Hammer is a limited edition miniature from Games workshop only published due to Games Workshop had 20 year (I think) anniversary.Some later found a guide as to how to put the mini together but at first it seemed like a hell of a project. Here are the parts:

Well you get the idea. Alot of parts! Well, with a bit of fiddling about and some help from the nifty heads at powerfist.dk who found this:

Now the base is collected and I've glued the head, the right hand with hammer and an extra armourplate to Harry himself. Here goes:

As you can maybe see, I've spend some greenstuff patching the seams and also trying to make a softer edge down towards the base. Harry himself has received some black coating and I'll plan to wait with glueing the shield untill atleast some of the mini has been painted.

Next I'll plan to give the base a black coat as well and start there before painting Harry himself. Any suggestions to colourscheme is welcome, though I can tell from the start I am NOT going to paint him pink :D

Cheers till next time.

lørdag den 3. december 2011

Someone to look up to

Hello everyone

As I have mentioned earlier, I only just started painting again recently. I have always wanted to go to GamesDay to feel the atmosphere and look at all the awesome miniatures. This year I thought it was about time. When I made that decision I hadnt been painting in 5-6 years and I didnt want to go alone so I posted on Powerfist if anyone wanted to join my trip. Turned out they were a whole group already planning to go and there were also plans for a get-together to meet each other before going to GamesDay 2011. I offered to house the get-together and thus 3 other nerds came visiting me few weeks before GamesDay.

Amongst the visitors was a painter I hadnt noticed befor but I can garantee I'll start folowing his work from now on. Let me introduce: Kristian Simonsen. This years winner of the Forge World best in show AND first place in the Diorama category.

Here he receives the prize. (sry for the bad picture, I wasnt ready for the big spot that hit the stage)

The diorama in question:

Amongst the others in the Danish group I went with was this years silver winner in the Monster category: Thomas Kyrsting making a great ratogre riding skaven warlord. And the winner of the Young Bloods category: Mads Nibe Larson. Already looking forward to next years competition which is going to see my first entry ever. Not sure yet what its going to be but I have a few projects in the oven.

Till next time. Cheers.