onsdag den 11. november 2015

Monte San Savino Show 2015

Hello there.
Again this year, we were a bunch of crazy danes that traveled all the way to Italy to the small village called Monte San Savino. There, we had a great time with fellow nerds watching awesome models og almost all shapes and sizes. Here are some of the pictures I took while there. (Album HERE)

Thanks a lot to everyone I met in Monte. It was a wonderfull trip and it was awesome to see a lot of familiar nerd faces again. If anyone should see a model of their making here on the blog and wants their names along the picture, just say so.

I will also post som pictures of my own models soon. For now, here is a picture of me, Kristian, Bo and Bent, also from the danish group, and also the medal I recieved :D

onsdag den 28. oktober 2015

First tests of my Badger Sotar airbrush

A dwarf bust made by a friend of mine:

The backdrop for my vampire:

A troll I am painting for a friend:

Hopefully more to come :D

søndag den 16. august 2015

The Emperors beard

A shoutout to a comic strip I have been following since the start on the danish miniature forum: powerfist.dk

It is of course the comic strip: The Emperors beard, I am talking about. The series have changed site, here is the new LINK

Here is the latest installment in the series:


fredag den 7. august 2015

More boxart

I went on to do some more boxart. Its not totally done yet, still work in progress.

More to come

onsdag den 3. juni 2015

The Fang 2015

Last weekend I was in Copenhagen with a lot of friends. We all participated in the Games Workshop event The Fang arranged by Games Workshop stores in the skandinavian countries.

Here is the gallery of some of the models entered in the competition in Copenhagen: CLICK

I entered the monster category with my minotaur and won gold.

I also entered warhammer fantasy with my dwarf slayer from forgeworld but didnt place.:

I entered warhammer 40k with my hectore and didnt place.

 I entered open category with Archaon and didnt place. I am not sorry  Ididnt place because the level this year was absolutely relaly high in the categories I entered, except for the monster category where I won :D

I only got to take a single foto myself and that was just a picture of people looking at miniatures.

Next week the grand finale is in Stockholm where my cow will enter the skandinavian monster category and I am sure, not win anything. It doesnt matter, it was fun to be there and participate, hope to be back next year.

The overall winner was Kristian Simonsens nurgle lord.

Congratulations to Kristian.

onsdag den 11. marts 2015

Painting Crusade 2015

So, finally we reach this years Painting Crusade. If anyone who read this doesnt know that Painting Crusade is, its an even in Belgium for painters and sculpters. There is really nothing happening, other than what you arrange yourself, and this is a good thing. There is a large table where you are welcome sit down and paint or do whatever you like. Mostly people sit and paint or sculpt but its mainly its a wonderfull event where to do some networking and talk with fellowe artists. It doesnt cost anything to participate, however you can participate in their painting competition and if you choose to do so you need to pay a small fee and then you will also receive a special model which is specially sculpted for that particular event. The year after there will be a particular category only for the last years special edition model.

So, we are a group of danish people who have participated in this arrangement a few years now. Last year was my first time and this year I returned to this awesome event.

Here are a few pictures from the danish roadtrip.

First, a picture of my model travelbox, what did I bring to the competition.

During the weekend there I worked on some gold NMM.

There were some really awesome entries, there are some of Max's:

Much of the time goes with looking at models. Here we have the infamous Tue Kaae studying some entries.:

Kristian and Mikkel making ready for painting:

The danish team consisting of Kristian, Mikkel, Bo and Tue + Quentin and Julien,:

You can get a total list over the winners of all the categories of the painting competition HERE!

Also, the emperor graced us with one of his sons:

You can see all the pictures I took HERE!

In the end, I had an awesome weekend and I am planning to be back again next year.


torsdag den 29. januar 2015

First of 2015. Manu of the day: The Emperors Inquisition

This last weekend I participated in a workshop in Copenhagen. The idea was to create a competition level entry from start to finish during this 48hour workshop.  Here is my result.

On my part, this weekend was used mainly to try out some new effects. I was focussing on blending the colours of the cape more smoothly and on trying out this, for me, new way to paint metals.

Blending has been something I have been fighting with for a long time. Of course it can always get better, but its an area I see myself needing to improve and this weekend, in company with some of the best miniature painters of Denmark, gave me that oppertunity.

Metals have always been a place where I have struggled. I havnt really found a way for metals to be interesting and I have been admiring those that makes metals looks fascinating and interesting. So thats what I worked on. I didnt get to a point where I thought "ok now I got the hang of it" but I got a lot of input and practice, which was what I was aiming for. A great weekend I'll happely do again.