onsdag den 11. marts 2015

Painting Crusade 2015

So, finally we reach this years Painting Crusade. If anyone who read this doesnt know that Painting Crusade is, its an even in Belgium for painters and sculpters. There is really nothing happening, other than what you arrange yourself, and this is a good thing. There is a large table where you are welcome sit down and paint or do whatever you like. Mostly people sit and paint or sculpt but its mainly its a wonderfull event where to do some networking and talk with fellowe artists. It doesnt cost anything to participate, however you can participate in their painting competition and if you choose to do so you need to pay a small fee and then you will also receive a special model which is specially sculpted for that particular event. The year after there will be a particular category only for the last years special edition model.

So, we are a group of danish people who have participated in this arrangement a few years now. Last year was my first time and this year I returned to this awesome event.

Here are a few pictures from the danish roadtrip.

First, a picture of my model travelbox, what did I bring to the competition.

During the weekend there I worked on some gold NMM.

There were some really awesome entries, there are some of Max's:

Much of the time goes with looking at models. Here we have the infamous Tue Kaae studying some entries.:

Kristian and Mikkel making ready for painting:

The danish team consisting of Kristian, Mikkel, Bo and Tue + Quentin and Julien,:

You can get a total list over the winners of all the categories of the painting competition HERE!

Also, the emperor graced us with one of his sons:

You can see all the pictures I took HERE!

In the end, I had an awesome weekend and I am planning to be back again next year.
