onsdag den 3. juni 2015

The Fang 2015

Last weekend I was in Copenhagen with a lot of friends. We all participated in the Games Workshop event The Fang arranged by Games Workshop stores in the skandinavian countries.

Here is the gallery of some of the models entered in the competition in Copenhagen: CLICK

I entered the monster category with my minotaur and won gold.

I also entered warhammer fantasy with my dwarf slayer from forgeworld but didnt place.:

I entered warhammer 40k with my hectore and didnt place.

 I entered open category with Archaon and didnt place. I am not sorry  Ididnt place because the level this year was absolutely relaly high in the categories I entered, except for the monster category where I won :D

I only got to take a single foto myself and that was just a picture of people looking at miniatures.

Next week the grand finale is in Stockholm where my cow will enter the skandinavian monster category and I am sure, not win anything. It doesnt matter, it was fun to be there and participate, hope to be back next year.

The overall winner was Kristian Simonsens nurgle lord.

Congratulations to Kristian.