fredag den 18. november 2016

Monte San Savino show 2016

So, this years Monte San Savino show is behind us... and yet not quit. After a barage of monstrously awesome models, both sculpted and painted, you cant really put it behind you, and you are not supposed to either. For some people, I am sure Monte San Savino is just a competition to find out how good they are, not to me though. It might be because I know I am not the best, by far, but to me its a source of inspiration to get better, to make even more amazing pieces and for the fantasy to be let lose. I have of course a lot of mental images, but I also did take a bunch of pictures I would like to share.

I have a folder HERE you are welcome to have a look at. I have picted out a few examples here. Enjoy.

By Kristian Simonsen:

By Tue Kaae

By Roman Lappat

By Anna Shestakova

By Michael Kontraros

By Mr. Ben Komets sir ;)

A lot more pictures, just follow the link. Cheers.

tirsdag den 15. november 2016

Tarzan on kickstarter

An amazing new kickstarter that was brought to my attention during this weekends Monte San Savino Show.


torsdag den 1. september 2016

Pyretroll done

So, quite a while back I was invited to participate in a charitable even. All I needed to do was to paint a model of my own chois. Much has happened since then but here it is finally, my second pyretroll.

For more informations on the event, go here: Clash for a cure

søndag den 21. august 2016

So, its been a while. The reason for this is that I have moved and my new nerd room has only just been completed. Here it is and I am looking forward to many good backbreaking hours in this room.

Now I need to get on with a troll :D

mandag den 15. februar 2016

Deadpool, best movie of 2016

Last time I had cramps in my abs from laughing... I think its 10 years a go.
Last time I had tears rolling down my face from laughter..... probably also 10 years a go.
On that basis, I will go as far as saying, that deadpool is the best movie this entire year. Sure there will be other good movie, no doubt about that, this is just the movie that has brought me the best entertainment for a long time and therefore I am betting: a long time to come also.

See it, doesnt matter who you are, just see it. You might not like it afterwards, at least you have seen it and had the possibility to make you opinion.

See it!

More powerfist Vol. 2

So, the first model of Tue Kaaes powerfist guy has now been painted and and and... I finally got mine.

First, I'll show you the finished version of the model, painted by Kyle, the man behind Mr. Lee's Painting Imporium.

More pictures on Mr. Lee's Painting Imporium.

However, I also recieved mine.

Its delivered in a small hard plastic box, great for fragile resin models. There where almost no moldlines and the fitting is superb. I cleaned it and stickytacked it together.

So now, its all about playing with the brush :D


lørdag den 30. januar 2016

Painting for charity

I was recently contacted by a representative to a charity event in Gods own land: Texas. I have been asked if I could paint a model of my own choice, for their event. How can I say no to such a thing, a newb painter like me. The even is "Clash for a Cure" which is an event to gather funds for cancer cure research.

I am going to paint a model of my own choice, as long as its from the Privateer Press company. By a mere coincidence, I painted a pyretroll recently and I am thinking ofpainting the same model once more.

This is of course not the final version, but near to finished, going to post pictures of the final version as soon as possible. Anyways, I am as mentioned, thinking of doing the same model again. I think the pyretroll is a great sculpt and has great potential for colourscheme. If you have any other suggestion, please feel free to write me or comment here on the blog.

If you want to know more about the even, you can follow the link from above or go to their facebook website HERE.


onsdag den 20. januar 2016

Note to self

What am I missing?

From what I can see, I am missing the following:

1) Pictures of finished entry to Painting crusade 2015 ... wow thats almost a year late.
2) Pictures of finished dwarf buste entry to MSS show
3) Progress on vampire
4) Progress on troll

Well, here is a picture of progress on my vampire.


Oh dear or my, news from the front. The first batch of awesome powerfistwielding maniacs by Tue, has now arrived at Mr. Lee's Painting Emporium and is being prepared for dispatching.

Dont take it from me, go straight to Mr. Lee's Painting Emporium and get your news :D

fredag den 15. januar 2016

The most anticipated new of the year till date! The "powerfist guys" by Tue Kaae

Its the first post of the year 2016... and WHAT a post :D

My friend and never ending inspiration has created one of the most awesome models I have ever seen. That in itself if actually not new, what new is that fact that together with Kyle at  Mr. Lee's Painting Emporium, he has actually put this model into production.

Enough talking, lets get down to business.

Mr. Lee's Painting Emperiom on facebook: HERE
Mr. Lee's Painting Emporium the blog: HERE

This is the cast, fresh out of the mold and I am giddy like a little boy at christmas. Just cant wait to get it in my hands.

Here are a few pictures of the original scuplt.

I have shared the post on my own wall as well and remember, the model is sculpted from 0 to 100 byt the mastermind: Tue Kaae

Over and out!