torsdag den 16. november 2017

Monte San Savino show 2017

It was truely amazing... again :D

I myself got 2 bronce medals. 1 for standard painting for my Nathaniel Garro model, and 1 for standard ambient. I will post proper pictures of my ambient entry as soon as possible.

Here are some of the pictures I took:

By Pawel Machuk aka Monstroy

By Mr. Ben Komets

By Ivan Hortal:

By Michael Pisarski / Lan Studio

By John Keys

Best of show:

By Peder Bartholdy / Demiurge Miniatures

Unknown artist:

By Steffen Jensen / The Damned Artificer

By Aleksandra Tana / Craftworld Studio

By Torben Ryde:

Unknown artist:

Giant MUMI project with a lot of different of some of the best painters in the world:

By Roman Gruba:

By Bent Ejaas / Crazy Goblin Minuatures:

Best of Fantasy by Tue Kaae:

Many many more pictures HERE

torsdag den 19. oktober 2017

Disney Infinity Hulkbuster for the Massive Voodoo Challange 2017

Quite a mouthfull to paint a model this size.

Yet again the MV boys has issued a challange and who can say no when its about painting kids toys :D

The challange was, to choose a model from the Disney Infinity game model range and paint that. Since those models are out of production, at least on the danish market, it was quite the challange to even get my hands on a model. I had to buy a batch of 13 to get the one I wanted... well, now I have a few more to paint if I like :D

I starte with coating it all metal and then started with thni layers of red and yellow. This way of painting is not new to me, but its new for me to use it on such large areas so the result was mixed but I live and learn.

onsdag den 16. august 2017

Nathaniel Garro, Hand of the Sigillite.

No need for a lot of text. An awesome model from Forgeworld I really enjoyed painting. Here are some pictures of the finished result.


Putty&Paint link

Chromanaut Dogme48 august

This last weekend, I participated in yet another Dogme48 even, again this time arranged by the Chromanaut team.

For those that arent familiar with the Dogme48 concept, its fairly simple: You get 48 hours to make a competition level entry from start to finish. There are no rules on what project you chose, that is intirely up to you. It is however advisable, that you chose something different from what you paint normally. The point is to try and see if we can push some bounderies and of course inspire and learn from eachother.

For this even I chose to do the Garro model from Forgeworld. While is is nothing new for me to paint GW/Forgeworld models, its been a very long time since I painted spacemarine armor, and I also wanted to try out a metal technique on a larger scale. So, there are some progress pictures of both mine and some of the other participants projects. The finished result comes later.

About to begin:

Out of the box and prepped for painting:

First layers: Metal via airbrush + gold and black from brush :

Shading and highlighting all over, the long process helped a great deal by the old expert, Tue Kaae:

Other projrects.
Torben from the Chromanaut team:

Bo from the Chromanaut team:

My friend Bent from Crazy Goblin Miniatures:

Mads from the Chromanaut team:

Foreign guest star, John from Sweeden, part of the Sweedish painting community:

Christian from the Chromanaut team:

Note: These are all WIP pictures. There will be a post about the end results on Chromanauts website soon.

Almost finished Garro:

Better pictures soon.

torsdag den 8. juni 2017

Golden Demon 2017 and The Fang

So, 14 days a go I traveled to England together with some good friends to participate in the new revived Golden Demon painting competition. Kristian Simonsen, Tue Kaae, Torben Ryde and I met with John Keys and stayed at his place the whole saturday before going to the Warhammerfest sunday where the Golden Demon competition occured.

HERE is a link to my gallery for the weekend.

A few pictures:

My own entry into Open Competition. Got a Finalist pin.

One of my amazing competiters from Open Competition:

Karol Rudyk, from Karol Rudyk Arts amazing Chaos knight:

A sneak peak of what is to come formo the Dawn of War universe:

Kristian Simonsens awesome walking hermits tower:

Slambo himself :D :

And of course, the slayersword winner by Michal Pisarski from Lan Studios:

The weekend after I participarted in the local Warhammer stores "The Fang" painting even. I participated with my dwarf slayer and my vampire again. This time I got gold with my slayer in single and silver in diorama with my vampire.

Now for the next project: Tue Kaaes powerfistwielding mutant and a dwarf bust from Mr.Lees Minies.


torsdag den 16. marts 2017

Mighty Zug

So, I bought the Mighty Zug. Almost cant wait to get started :D


mandag den 13. februar 2017

Dwarf dragonslayer for Dogme48

Some friends of mine has gotten together and started their own little community named Chromanaut. They are; Kristian Simonsen, Tue Kaae, Bo Bjerregaard and Torben Ryde. They are all very talented and I am proud to call them fellow nerds.

This past weekend, they repeated an even we have tried a few times before: Dogme48. Basicaly, you get 48 hours straight to sculpt/build/put together a model and paint it to a competition standard. Seeing I came from the other end of the country, I wouldnt be able to participate all 48 hours so I chose a model of smaller size then most of the others; the new dwarf dragonslayer/unforged/white dwarf, as the model is known now a days ...

Here is the result.

Give a vote here.