tirsdag den 22. november 2011

"Mal en handske"

Hello all my trustworthy reader. Yes I am aware there might be as many trustworthy readers as I could hope for, but 1 is enough and I know my mom read this :)

As mentioned in earlier posts, I am active at a gaming forum called; Powerfist. In their painting section they have a wonderfull "competition" going on. Everyone who wants to participate can join the competition, and the idea is that you, yourself, writes every month what you want to paint. At the end of the month is status, and you get points awarded for how much of your own goal you managed before the end of the month. There is no prize to win, but it wonderfull to keep you at it and great if you want to push yourself and make sure you get some miniatures painted. Since you set your own goal yourself its easier to push yourself to reach your goal. This competition is called: "Mal en handske" aka "Paint a glove"

For this month I have aimed for:

1) antourage no1 for my witchhunter need sto be finished.
2) my battle standard-bearer for my dwarf any needs to be finished.
3) Garagrim Ironfist needs to be finished.
4) Last orc for Player1 needs to be finished.

Status as of now:

Standard-bearer is done as seen in last post.

Antourage is also done:

Garagrim is primed and his base is almost done.

The last orc for Player1 is nearly done. Just needing some touch-ups:

I dont have any time to paint this coming weekend, so I really need to work hard to get Garagrim done within the time limit.
So, wish me luck till next time.


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