tirsdag den 18. november 2014

torsdag den 13. november 2014

Monte san Savino part 2

During our stay in a small village not far from Monte san Savino, we whent for a walk to have a look at the local castle. We went up to the front door, and it appeared to be a hotel so we were let in and invited for a tour. An amazing omd castle had been turned info a hotel with modern rooms all over, but at the same time kept in the medieval style. It was Castella delle Serre we had been invited for a tour in, go HERE for their own website. Here are a few pictures I took.

We went on to drive to Monte and take a walk there before entering our miniatures.

While at the show, we ran into some very kind people. Andrea and Dino was there with their wide selection of plinths in almost all shapes and sizes. I couldnt help myself from buying a small selection.

In the picture can also be seen the single model I bought at the show, an awesome "Eternal Crusader" ;) Sculpted by Michael Kontraros, looking forward to paint it,

Also, a shoutout to Kyle and his blog mrleespaintingemporium.blogspot.dk for being a standup guy :D

onsdag den 12. november 2014

Monte san Savino show 2014

This last weekend I attended the yearly Monte san Savino show. It was my first time at this show and my 3rd ever of its kind, previously shows being Gamesday Cologne 2013 and Painting Crusade this spring.

I didnt really know what to expect from the show. I was told a lot about how many people attended, but nothing about anything else really :) So we arrived thursday late evening at our hotel, 20 minutes drive from Monte and was ready for intensive nerding friday morning. Here are some of the pictures I took, click the LINK for more pictures.

Best of show:

If you have painted any of the miniatures I have taken pictures of and would like to have your name linked, just write me.

It was an amazing display of highend painting, converting and full-tilt sculpting. I entered the fantasy painting standard with a small group of my models. Unfortunately, 4 of the models were damaged in transit, most lightly caused by a baggage handler being a little too rough on my suitcase. What I learned was: always travel with your minis in you hand luggage.

We were 4 danish guys going; Kristian, Tue and Thomas. Kristian was the only one of us bringing home a medal, but we were all very happy to have joined the event and met a lot of kind fellow nerdie people. Amongst all the kind people, I ran into Kyle, Stefan and many others i'll link to later.

Till next time, Cheers.

søndag den 28. september 2014

Imperial preacher... and a Troll! :D

Its been summer, and I've been absolutely inactive when it comes to painting stuff. Anyways, I have managed to paint very little and last weekend a friend of mine came over from Copenhagen and we had a blast with out paintbrushes :D

I finally got to finish the troll I've been painting for a friend. Please mind that the base is not done. My friend wants to do the base himself so that part you have to imagine yourself. Here goes:

I am looking forward to seeing the troll rejoining his folk.

Another "commission" is an imperial preacher. Miniatures from when I was a kid and its really awesome. It has a few mistakes in the cast but hey, thats part of the charm.

Hope you all enjoy. A special thanks to Kristian and Bent, for helping me advance a few steps with these models.


torsdag den 12. juni 2014

Woodworks and CARTOONS :D

The painting part has been neglected on my part the last few months. The summer came and a lot of other arrangements have been more interesting than sitting in a dark room with a brush, trying to detail miniatures. I have however not been total out of production.

I bought this case for transporting miniatures, from a webshop in poland. You have to put it together yourself but its fairly easy and its a good fit. They suggest that you paint it or at least treat it some way for it to resist potential water etc. I visited my father yesterday who helped me paint it a dark flat red. Now I just need for it to dry and then I have plans to paint some sort of motive on the box.

Also, I have been looking for someone to male plinths for my various entries. A friend of mine suggested a German site and I received the package a few days ago.

The packaging was good, but the plinths are very rough, with quite a few errors here and there. they were cheap so I got what I payed for....

Last but not least, a fellow painter from a Danish forum is making warhammer style cartoons. I think they a great, if you want to see them, go HERE. You'll get a taste here.

fredag den 2. maj 2014

Do you like bloodbowl?

I do I can tell you. This it is with great pleasure I can announce that a friend of mine has sculpted an intire norse team with werewolf and yethi and everything!

Join the indiegogo project right HERE and become the awesome owner of a very special norse team th whitch to beat your opponents in a game of bloodbowl! You find his facebook profile HERE

I have worked a bit on the ogre/giant:

Also been working on the last of Inquisitor Hector Rexs henchemen:

And of course the dwarf slayer: 

torsdag den 20. marts 2014

Trolls, jætter, ogres...

For some time now, a friend of mine has had a topic on the danish hobby forum Powerfist.dk, about his sculpting and conversion of ogres into trolls or in danish; "jætter" (aka giants) I've been talking to him about how they should be painted and he has asked me to paint one of his characters. I think they look awesome so I willingly agreed. Yesterday I picked it up, here it is:

Here it is and I am looking forward to be painting the monster in all sorts of screaming colours! ;)

If you want to se more of Mortens trolls, look HERE.

mandag den 17. marts 2014

Painting Crusade 2014 Belgium

This weekend I was in Namur, Belgium for my first time ever participation of the Painting Crusade event. We were 4 people from Denmark, my two friends, Mikkel and Kristian and me participating in the painting competition. Jakob being one of the judges of the competition.

It was an awesome event and we had great fun all weekend, talking about and painting, models. I think the crew for a fantastic weekend were I learned a lot from all the more experienced painters who all came with a lot of comments on my painting

Here is a link to their facebook profile.

And here are the pictures I took. Its only a small digital camera I am packing, so not the best miniature pictures, they are more ment to give a general idea of how the event felt.

Hope I'll be back next year.

torsdag den 6. marts 2014

Thats a bad mailman :(

Back in January I placed and order for the "Macragge's Honor" from Black Library Its a huge illustrated novel with gilded pages and it cost €95.00. The book was only being printed as they received order so the eta for delivery was 6-10 weeks. I placed the order the the 3. January and received the book in the mail last saturday. Now, Denmark has the national royal postal service and usually they are great. Much more reliant then UPS or GLS. Thus I requested that Postdanmark would handle the postage.

Last Saturday, I finally received the model. I wasn't home but my girlfriend was and she could text me and show me how the mailman had forced the package down into the mailbox:

I came home and gently pealed the wrapping of the book. Fortunately Black Library knows how to wrap their expensive books and thus it was limited how much the book had been damaged.
As mentioned, normally I always used the danish postal service but this time, I am really disappointed with the mailman.
The book itself is amazing. A huge book, true quality paper and amazing graphics. Bad thing is, its too short. The story tell the fate of the Ultramarines battleship Macragge's Honor while hunting Kor Phaeron on his battle barge into the void, after the ambush committed by the Word bearers.

torsdag den 20. februar 2014

Daemon, henchemen and my first ever empire miniature

This post is something specielt. It contains my very first ever Crazy Goblin Miniatures figurine.

We start out with my first ever empire miniature painted. Its a requested job I did for free mostly because I wanted to practice some freehand.

I also got to finish another of the henchemen for Hector Rex:

And now for the big reveal. I am proud to present my first ever Crazy Goblin Miniatures model, sculted by a good friend of mine.

Though it was one of the first casts and it had some faults in it, I enjoyed it immensely and hope to paint many more of Bents sculpts.

Till next time, take care.