onsdag den 12. november 2014

Monte san Savino show 2014

This last weekend I attended the yearly Monte san Savino show. It was my first time at this show and my 3rd ever of its kind, previously shows being Gamesday Cologne 2013 and Painting Crusade this spring.

I didnt really know what to expect from the show. I was told a lot about how many people attended, but nothing about anything else really :) So we arrived thursday late evening at our hotel, 20 minutes drive from Monte and was ready for intensive nerding friday morning. Here are some of the pictures I took, click the LINK for more pictures.

Best of show:

If you have painted any of the miniatures I have taken pictures of and would like to have your name linked, just write me.

It was an amazing display of highend painting, converting and full-tilt sculpting. I entered the fantasy painting standard with a small group of my models. Unfortunately, 4 of the models were damaged in transit, most lightly caused by a baggage handler being a little too rough on my suitcase. What I learned was: always travel with your minis in you hand luggage.

We were 4 danish guys going; Kristian, Tue and Thomas. Kristian was the only one of us bringing home a medal, but we were all very happy to have joined the event and met a lot of kind fellow nerdie people. Amongst all the kind people, I ran into Kyle, Stefan and many others i'll link to later.

Till next time, Cheers.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Was great to meet up with you all! Was a great event indeed! Looking forward to the next one now!

  2. hehe yeah pleasure was all mine. Looking forward to next year aswell, we are planning to muster the viking host and invade Monte ;D
